Wednesday 08 April 2020

Wales Pension Partnership appoints Hymans Robertson as its Oversight Advisor

We are delighted to let you know that the Wales Pension Partnership (‘WPP’) has formally appointed Hymans Robertson LLP to act as WPP’s Oversight Advisor. Hymans Robertson’s role spans oversight and advice on governance arrangements, operator services, strategic investment aspects and project management support. 

Following an in depth procurement exercise WPP appointed Hymans Robertson on the 1 January 2020, the contact is for 3 years with the potential for a 2-year extension. WPP were impressed by Hymans Robertson’s track record of providing LGPS focused investment strategy advise as well as their knowledge and experience of the ACS Operator market, they were also able to evidence their strength in investment governance services and project management.

The WPP is excited about the next phase of its journey which will see it focus on delivering the benefits of pooling to its key stakeholders, this appointment reflects WPP’s confidence in Hymans Robertson’s ability to support WPP in the next phase of this journey.

Please stay tuned to the website for the soon to be released WPP Business Plan, which outlines the exciting and ambitious work that the WPP will carry out over the next three years. The Business Plan has been formulated with assistance from Hymans Robertson and represents the united priorities and objectives of Wales’ eight Constituent Authorities.
